Tuesday, September 17, 2013

locust wing

this grid work has long fascinated me.
at one time i thought i would trace an enlarged replica to fill a wall -- i may do that still.

while i pulled this apart for scanning (note here: no locusts were killed in the making of this image; i found it already dead as i do all my bug specimens) i felt how fragile, ephemeral these apparatus actually are; yet they lift a clumsy (rather) body and propel it through gusts & currents to some destination. also surprised to find the smaller version tucked neatly under the larger. i had assumed there was just the larger. well, happy viewing.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

emerging from the nut seed

pulled this up while weeding
though not a weed, it's in the wrong place
i am charmed by it from head to root

Sunday, July 21, 2013

a single leaf

 i heard the lesson of change whispered into me : begin again


here is a shape to wonder at
i could be with it all day and have it echo in each lift of breeze

after all, 
it is for this that i chose it